Dr. B.R. Ambedkar 133rd Birthday Celebration - 14.04.2024 P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce Welcome to Central Library Welcome to Central Library P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce Welcome to Central Library P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce
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Library & Information Centre

P.E.S. College of Science, Arts and Commerce, Mandya

Father of Library & Information Science

Five Laws of Library Science –
  • First Law: Books Are For Use.
  • Second Law: Every Reader His/Her Book.
  • Third Law: Every Book Its Reader.
  • Fourth Law: Save The Time Of The Reader.
  • Fifth Law: The Library Is A Growing Organism.

“Right book to the Right reader at the Right time”

Francis Keese Wynkoop Drury

“Right information to the Right reader at the right time”

The college library’s prime objective is to meet the academic needs of the particular institution for which it is created to serve. The Library and Information Center of the college is providing services to achieve the above objectives through the different forms of collections such as books, journals, Maps, Atlases, CD/DVD’s, e-books, e-journals, and e-databases.  

To full fill the information needs of the library user community, the library is discharging traditional as well as modern services through computerized, digital, and web-based resources and services. With the well-established Electronic Information Resource Center (EIRC) the library staff assists students and teachers to accomplish their online assignments, projects and research works within time.

The library is one of the oldest and largest libraries in the Mandya district. The Library started functioning in the year 1966 with the inception of the college. It has a glorious record of 50 years of worthy service with a resource collection of more than 50 thousand volumes in its systems today. The library has a very good internet browsing center with more than 36 computer systems with internet connections for students and teachers. Further, the library provides E-resources service through subscribing N-LIST membership to its users.

The present library is situated in the new building and has 300 Sq Mts. It has a seating capacity of more than 150 students at a time. It has different sections like; active stock section, reference section, circulation section, technical section, Electronic Information Resource Center (EIRC), and NEWS paper reading room. Further, it has Photocopy facility and security counter facility for library users’ belongings.

Total Books Available
News Letter Subscriptions
Library Faculties


The library and information center of the college will strive to be the most informative library. To inspire and provide information to the student community and also to be knowledgeable, networked, innovative, and successful.


The library and information center provides quality resources and innovative services to inculcate reading habits, to inspire creativity, to facilitate lifelong learning and research among the communities of the institution.

Library Subscription Form

For Students and Staffs

For More Info

Dr. Selvaraju A
Library and Information Centre, P.E.S. College of Science, Arts & Commerce, Mandya
Contact Details

Phone : 080-220257

Our Hours

Monday to Friday: 9-30 AM to 5-30 PM

Saturday: 9 AM to 2 PM
Sunday: Holiday